
Buika, Afro-Spanish Jazz & Flamenco

" Concha Buika (nacida en Palma de Mallorca, España ), es una de las cantantes más singulares del panorama de la música española actual. Buika, su familia proviene de Guinea Ecuatorial, creció entre gitanos y su música mezcla el flamenco con el soul, el jazz y la copla.. "

"Born in 1972 into a family from Equatorial Guinea, Concha Buika grew up alongside a Gypsy community on the Spanish island of Majorca. Hailed by the Spanish and European press as a new flamenco star, and a remarkable newcomer on the world music scene, she is blessed with a remarkable voice described as a blend of Tina Turner, Lola Flores and Sarah Vaughan. Buika mixes soul, jazz and funk with raw flamenco to telling effect, and her previous album, Mi Niña Lola, achieved gold status in Spain, while she toured major venues throughout the world, including the Rex in Paris, the Vienne and Montreux Jazz Festivals, a small tour of Mexico, concerts in Montreal, Miami and New York, as well as London’s Saddlers’ Wells Theater..."

Buika-Falsa Moneda
Buika-La niña de fuego Buika- Live concert in Madrid
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