Rumi On Thanksgiving

Wishing All a Blessed Thanksgiving! 

Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 26, 2015

Giving thanks to God for your riches of life
is worth more than all your accumulated wealth.
If you wish to live a life full of gratitude,
stay away from accumulating excessive wealth.

Giving thanks to God is the soul of all your riches,
your material possessions are just a meaningless facade.
It's your sincere gratitude to God
that'll take you to the His divine alley.

Money brings you carelessness and neglect.
Gratitude brings you awakening and remembrance.
Hunt for the divine treasures which are hidden
deep inside the thankfulness snare of the Hunter.

Giving thanks to God for all your riches of life
will make you feel fully fulfilled and content.
Go on and bestow more of your material wealth
upon the poor and needy souls of this world.

Then God shall feed you sweet candies and divine food.
Then you shall be able to finally get rid of
all your accumulated bitterness and greed.
Rumi ~ My Translation 

شکر نعمت خوشتر از نعمت بود
شکرباره کی سوی نعمت رود
شکر جان نعمت و نعمت چو پوست
ز آنک شکر آرد ترا تا کوی دوست
نعمت آرد غفلت و شکر انتباه
صید نعمت کن بدام شکر شاه
نعمت شکرت کند پرچشم و میر
تا کنی صد نعمت ایثار فقیر
سیر نوشی از طعام و نقل حق
تا رود از تو شکم‌ خواری و دق
مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي


Give thanks and praises to God 
who always unties all our tight knots.
As I wrapped myself in thanksgiving to Him,
Almighty untied all my tightly jammed knots.

There are hundreds of hidden pathways inside a heart,
all unknown and firmly closed to us, His mortal creatures.
Only God knows how to open the pathway to a believer's heart.

From His shining heavenly abode high up there -
with the Sun and the Moon serving as its chandeliers -
God sends down rays of divine light entering our hearts.

The Almighty asked His creatures: "Am I Not Your Lord?"
"YES Indeed You Are, We Do Testify,"
All God believing souls responded.

Give thanks and praises to Lord Almighty.
Because for His true believers,
God always blocks the path of misfortune
and opens wide the path of divine blessings.
Rumi ~ My Translation 

سپاس و شکر خدا را که بندها بگشاد
میان به شکر چو بستیم بند ما بگشاد
پس دریچه دل صد در نهانی بود
که بسته بود خدا بنده خدا بگشاد
در این سرا که دو قندیل ماه و خورشیدست
خدا ز جانب دل روزن سرا بگشاد
الست گفت حق و جان‌ها بلی گفتند
برای صدق بلی حق ره بلا بگشاد
مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي

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Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving was originally the celebration of the massacre of the Native Americans. I don't think the respected Rumi would have appreciated or celebrated such a "holiday". Peace.

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