Believe in Yourself, a Poem by Rumi

All this ocean around you,
yet you want more moisture?
All this life ahead of you,
yet you just want to die?

You're a decent person,
you makes everyone around yourself happy
Why do you have to keep on drinking so much?
You're blessed with high intellect and rational logic.
Blessed by all that talent,
why do you always sell yourself so cheap?

What a pity,
you only rely on a few books to gain full knowledge of life.
What a pity,
you only seek the sweetness of life from a candy.
You're an ocean of knowledge,
yet still hiding behind your excuses of moisture.
You are a full grown adult,
yet still hiding
behind the high walls of your childish doubts.

Do you really need listening or group therapy
to learn and appreciate
what you already have in life?
Look at your soul
how it's also shackled and imprisoned
inside your own dark cage of pessimism
along with you.

How sad,
you are a shining bright sun
yet still trapped
inside the dark prison of
your own inferiority complexes.

A simple atom makes its way all the way to the sun.
If an atom could it, so can you.
Go get some needed help!

A simple drop of wine makes it all the way to the Divine Jar.
If a drop could do it, so can you.
Go drink from that Jar!

گزيده ابياتي از مثنوي معنوي مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي
دفتر پنجم

اي همه دريا چه خواهي نم ؟
و اي همه هستي چه مي جويي عدم؟
تو خوش و خوبي و , كان هر خوشي
تو چرا خود منت باده كشي؟
اي غلامت عقل و تدبيرات و هوش
چون چنيني خويش را ارزان فروش ؟
علم جويي از كتب ها اي فسوس
ذوق جويي تو زحلوا , اي فسوس
بحر علمي , درنمي پنهان شده
در سه گز تن عالمي پنهان شده
مي چه باشد يا سماع و يا جماع؟
تا بجويي زو نشاط و انتفاع
جان بي كيفي شده محبوس كيف
آفتابي حبس عقده , اينت حيف
آفتاب از ذره يي شد وام خواه
زهره يي از خمره يي شد جام خواه

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