ترکی سحری ما را میخواند بمهمانی---گفتم که چه سرداری مارا بچه میخوانی
قهقه زد وگفتاکه بیا با ما این صومعه برهم زن---در مجلس مستان آی ای دوست بمهمانی
ای خواجه چه در رفتم می دیدم ومیخانه---گفتم من ازین معنی شاباش مسلمانی
ترکی قدحی برکف زانو زده گفتاری---گفتم که چه چیزاست این گفتا می روحانی
من نیز دودل گشتم چون جای عجب دیدم---گفتم که خورم یانی گفتا که تو میدانی
القصه شدم یکدل جامی دو سه وا خوردم---درخود اثری دیدم زان جرعه ربانی
هر چیزکه می جستم فی الحال عیانم شد---صد کشف بیانم شد از خاطر حقانی
بگزشتم ازین عالم در روح وطن کردم---بر من همه روشن شد بیدایی و پیدایی
در رفتم و بر رفتم وزخویش بدر رفتم---چون جان بقا دیدم از خویش شدم فانی
In the wee hours of the morning
this Turkish dude
was inviting me for a drink
I told him:
What you up to?
What's up with this invitation?
He started laughing out loud
and responded:
Come on join us for a drink
let's turn this tavern upside down!
You're invited my friend
to the serious drinkers' cocktail party!
As I went in, man,
all I saw was this huge wine house
and tons of free wines!
I said to myself:
So much for you being a Muslim, enjoy it!
I saw this Turkish dude
With a bottle of wine on his lap,
already intoxicated and on his knees,
and the non-stop talking
I asked him:
What are you drinking?
He said: Divine Wine!
I started having second thoughts
at this strange place
I was debating with myself:
Should I drink or no?
A voice came to me:
It's up to you, you'd know!
To make the long story short
I started drinking
and had like two or three bottles of that "Wine".
That "Divine Wine"
had some really strange effects on me:
Anything that I had ever wished for all my life
suddenly appeared in front of me.
A hundred hidden truths
were all of sudden revealed to me on the spot.
I just simply gave up this world
and moved in with my soul
and all the known and unknowns
became clearly visible to me.
I was completely out of it,
I was feeling separated,
and truly out of myself.
As I saw my soul
uniting with the Eternal,
I just decided to let go
of my mortal self.