03 December 2012

Rumi's Homage To Musicians

O Lord,
For the singers, give them sweet as honey voices
for the drummers, give them strong iron hands
because musicians dedicate their entire lives
to relaying Your message of love.

O Lord,
give the musicians a truly deserving reward
for their hard works

because they always deliver
Your divine messages to our ears.

O Lord,
give every musician a hundred pairs of divine eyes

because just like the crying doves,
they also cry their eyes out for Your love.

O Lord,
out of Your immense generosity,
show the musicians Your birdhouse tower
where they can practice their heavenly music.

O Lord,
bestow your warmest greetings upon the musicians 
because they always uplift our hearts
by musically praising You.

O Lord,
give the musicians a taste of Your divine waters
from the rivers of Paradise
because they irrigate our hearts with their beautiful melodies.

O Lord, O Most Generous One,
I should have just stayed silent
because there is absolutely no need for me telling You
give them this or give them that.

حضرت مولانا جلال الدین بلخی رومی

خدایا مطربان را انگبین ده
برای ضرب دست آهنین ده
چو دست و پای وقف عشق کردند
تو همشان دست و پای راستین ده
چو پر کردند گوش ما ز پیغام 
توشان صد چشم بخت شاه بین ده
کبوتروار نالانند در عشق 
توشان از لطف خود برج حصین ده
ز مدح و آفرینت هوش‌ها را 
چو خوش کردند همشان آفرین ده
جگرها را ز نغمه آب دادند
ز کوثرشان تو هم ماء معین ده
خمش کردم کریما حاجتت نیست
که گویندت چنان بخش و چنین ده

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