04 November 2012

One God, Many Religions, a Quatrain by Rumi

In the path of seeking,
Wise and fool are the same.

In the faith of love,
Known and unknown are the same.

For the lover intoxicated
by the wine of union with Beloved -

In his or her faith,
Muslims' Kaaba and Hindus' Temple of Idols are the same.


رباعي  مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي

در راه طلب ، عاقل و دیوانه یکیست
در شیوه عشق ، خویش و بیگانه یکیست
آن را که شراب وصل جانان دادند
در مذهب او ، کعبه و بتخانه یکیست

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