09 November 2012

'God and I have become One', a poem by Rumi

Hover your mouse over above thumbnail to see all the details of this truly spectacular artistic drawing, full of highly meaningful yet occult symbolism and hidden messages.

Your luminous Face
has become the mirror of my soul.

You and I have become one,
my soul and Your Soul just one.

The full bright moon is beaming
through the windows of my house,

learning that from now on
You are the righteous Owner
of the house of my heart.

My intellect used to be
the previous master of my heart, 

but now, it's simply functioning
as Your humble servant and doorkeeper!

Ever since day one,
my soul has been intoxicated
by the beauty of Your Face.

No matter how many clay molded
creatures of Yours are out there, 

They all feel distressed
by the burning pain of Your separation.

As the clay compresses and subsides,
the reflections of 
Your pure Divine Waters
become clearly visible.

Just like the Roman emperor
who has just discovered

the hidden African treasures.
From now on,
there is no longer any of what's mine or what's Yours.

May Your joyous Grace
be forever bestowed upon us.

O Moon-faced One,
I barely voice a complaint every now and then,

because Your eloquent mastery of Love Words 
has turned me into such a humble lover of Yours.

غزل شماره 2243 ازديوان كبير حضرت مولانا

آینه جان شده چهره تابان تو 
هر دو یکی بوده‌ایم جان من و جان تو
ماه تمام درست خانه دل آن توست 
عقل که او خواجه بود بنده و دربان تو
روح ز روز الست بود ز روی تو مست
چند که از آب و گل بود پریشان تو
گل چو به پستی نشست آب کنون روشن است 
رفت کنون از میان آن من و آن تو
قیصر رومی کنون زنگیکان را شکست 
تا به ابد چیره باد دولت خندان تو
ای رخ تو همچو ماه ناله کنم گاه گاه 
ز آنک مرا شد حجاب عشق سخندان تو

This highly profound and mystical above poem by Rumi is based on the Sufi concept of Wahdat al-Wujud-وحدت الوجود or Transcendental Unity of Being: lover and Beloved or Man and God becoming One. This mystical oneness which forms one of the major tenets or concepts of Sufism, is the final station or destination for a Sufi seeker travelling upon the spiritual and mystical path of Sufism. To reach the ultimate stage of Transcendental Unity of Being, a Sufi mystic first must pass through two main spiritual stages: Fana-فنا or Annihilation of Self, and Baqa-بقا or eternal abiding or integration into God... for more on Wahdat al-Wujud and other Sufi concepts, please visit and read the great contemporary scholar of Sufism, Fetullah Gullen's outstanding book, Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism:

  1. Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism - Part 1
  2. Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism - Part 2
  3. Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism - Part 3

Ebook is courtesy of: Fetullah Gullen Official Web Site

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