07 October 2012

WHAT A LOVE!, a Poem by Rumi

This is one of my all time favorite poems of Rumi. What makes this poem so interesting is the fact that Rumi starts out in an amazingly intoxicated state of joy and happiness, being entirely absorbed in Shams Tabrizi's love and companionship. One can clearly sense optimism and joy simply pouring out of Rumi's pen. But halfway through the poem, Rumi's state of mind suddenly changes, and he becomes somewhat moody and nostalgic. He then ends the poem in a very strange and melancholic manner.

It's precisely this abrupt change of mind, and Rumi's honest and spontaneous outpourings which have fascinated me all along. What sets Rumi apart from the rest of classical or modern Persian poets is precisely his deliberate and total disregards for the often very methodical and carefully managed rhyming poetic formulas of the Persian poetry. Rumi simply lets all his feelings out, not even worrying whether or not his verses are in rhyming order, or even politically correct!

What an amazing love that I've got,
O Lord.

How charming and beautiful is
This love of mine,
O Lord.

What a heat and how so incredibly hot I feel -
Like the burning hot sun -
By the sheer warmth of this love,
O Lord.

What a moon and what a pure red wine
That are accompanying my fallen in love
Heart and soul these days,
O Lord.

What a passion this love
Has provoked in my mundane world,
O Lord.

What an incredibly difficult task
That You've got High Up There,
O Lord!

The ruler's egomaniac horsemen
Fell down from their high horses.
What a dust rising scene that was,
O Lord!

I've hit rock bottom.
I've gone down so much,
That I don't even know how to get back up again.
I don't know, I really don't know
What all this uproar deep inside me is for,
O Lord?

The winds of change are blowing again
From every alley and corner of this town.
What's all this melancholy I'm feeling these days,
O Lord?

Why do I feel all tied up,
If there are no chains or shackles attached to me?


That are tied up so tight to my feet,
O Lord.

Be silent so you don't leave yourself exposed.
To my left and right,
There are so many strangers these days,
O Lord.

Rumi - Ghazal/Ode # 95 from Divan-e Shams Tabrizi

زهی عشق زهی عشق که ماراست خدایا
چه نغزست و چه خوبست و چه زیباست خدایا
چه گرمیم! چه گرمیم! ازین عشق چو خورشید
چه پنهان و چه پنهان و چه پیداست خدایا
زهی ماه زهی ماه زهی بادۀ حمرا
که جانرا و جهان را بیاراست خدایا
زهی شور ! زهی شور ! که انگیخته عالم
زهی کار ! زهی کار ! که آنجاست خدایا
فرو ریخت فرو ریخت شهنشاه سواران
زهی گرّد زهی گرّد که برخاست خدایا
فتادیم فتادیم بدانسان که نخیزیم
ندانیم ندانیم چه غوغاست خدایا
ز هر کوی ز هر کوی یکی دود دگرگون
دگر بار دگر بار چه سوداست خدایا
نه دامیست نه زنجیر همه بسته چرائیم؟
چه بندست! چه زنجیر! که برپاست خدایا
خموشید خموشید که تا فاش نگردید
که اغیار گرفتست چپ و راست خدایا

غزل مشهور شمارهٔ ۹۵ 'زهی عشق زهی عشق که ماراست خدایا' از دیوان شمس تبریزی مولانا

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