05 September 2012

God's Holy House of Worship Is Deep Inside Your Heart - a Quatrain by Rumi

If you journey upon the path without any vision, 
You'll end up committing many major errors.
Yet if you rely solely on your sight,
You'll end up shooting yourself in the eye!
As for those true believers who're turned away 
From a Mosque or a Church, 
Do you know where their holy house of worship is actually at?!

رباعي مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي

  بی دیده اگر راه روی عین خطاست
 بر دیده اگر تکیه زدی تیر بلاست
 در صومعه ومدرسه از راه مجاز 
آنرا که نه جا است تو چه دانی که کجاست

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