29 August 2012

You Are What You Think - a Poem by Rumi

O brother, you are what you think,
The rest are just your flesh and bones.

If you think you're a fresh flower,
You'll be placed in a flower garden.
But if you think you're a dry thorn,
You'll end up inside a wood-fired oven.

If you think you're cologne and perfume,
Everyone will be spraying you all over their bodies.
But if you think you're smelly urine,
They will simply flush you down the sewer.

ای برادر تو همان اندیشه ای
مابقی تو استخوان و ریشه ای
گر گُلست اندیشۀ تو  گلشنی
ور بود خاری تو هیمۀ گلخنی
گر گلابی بر سر جَیبت زنند
ور تو چون بولی برونت افکنند
مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي

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