29 August 2012

We Are All One - a Poem by Rumi

We're all vastly different and scattered all over
yet we all come from the same One Essence.
We're all so inherently sinful and imperfect
God is the Only Perfect One.

Let's all remove our stone-throwing slings
from atop of our hatred-filled war towers
so there will be no more animosities among us.

Let's all become a rare white pearl
shining bright like the warm summer sun.
Let's all coexist without any conflict
flowing freely like the pure solid water.

حضرت مولانا جلال الدين بلخي رومي

منبسط بودیم و یک گوهر همه
بی سرو بی پا بدیم آن سرهمه
کنگره بیرون کشيم از منجنیق
تا رود فرق از میان این فرق
یک گهر باشيم همچون آفتاب
بی گره باشيم و صافی همچو آب

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