05 November 2009

Persian Sufi Chill Out Music & Rumi Poetry

The following clips are from Persian sufi musician Bahram-Ji and the famous Dutch Keyboard player Maneesh de Moor's extraordinary ambient music album, Call of the Mystic. The lyrics are based on Rumi's mystical poetry and the music carries an urban vibe rooted in meditation and powerful mystical connections. "Imagin Rumi's beautiful poetry translated into music tunes streaming along deep mystical chants!"

Persian Sufi chill out music-Rumi's 'Get crazy'

حیلت رها کن عاشقا دیوانه شو دیوانه شو
واندر دل آتش درآ پروانه شو پروانه شو
هم خویش را بیگانه کن هم خانه را ویرانه کن
وانگه بیا با عاشقان هم خانه شو هم خانه شو

Persian Sufi chill out music-Rumi's 'Dreamcatcher'

Persian Sufi chill out music-La Ilaha IllAllah/"There is no God, but God."

Persian Sufi chill out music-Rumi's 'The Way to the Light'

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