25 September 2009

Rumi's Mystical Wine Drinking & Getting Intoxicated!

Rumi's Mystical Wine Drinking & Getting Intoxicated!

This is one of my favorite poems of Rumi. In this humorous yet mystical poem, Rumi not only realistically captures the typical atmosphere and "ambience" of a Tavern or Wine House, but he also cleverly preaches his mystical message of "Getting intoxicated by Divine Wine". I've intentionally used some "Slang" words, American street language expressions, in hope of capturing Rumi's acid humor. It's no secret that the essence and charm of Rumi's 13th century humor will got lost in my poor 21st century translation, but I still want to share it as yet another manifestation of Rumi's poetic genius. 


ترکی سحری ما را میخواند بمهمانی---گفتم که چه سرداری مارا بچه میخوانی

قهقه زد وگفتاکه بیا با ما این صومعه برهم زن---در مجلس مستان آی ای دوست بمهمانی

ای خواجه چه در رفتم می دیدم ومیخانه---گفتم من ازین معنی شاباش مسلمانی

ترکی قدحی برکف زانو زده گفتاری---گفتم که چه چیزاست این گفتا می روحانی

من نیز دودل گشتم چون جای عجب دیدم---گفتم که خورم یانی گفتا که تو میدانی

القصه شدم یکدل جامی دو سه وا خوردم---درخود اثری دیدم زان جرعه ربانی

هر چیزکه می جستم فی الحال عیانم شد---صد کشف بیانم شد از خاطر حقانی

بگزشتم ازین عالم در روح وطن کردم---بر من همه روشن شد بیدایی و پیدایی

در رفتم و بر رفتم وزخویش بدر رفتم---چون جان بقا دیدم از خویش شدم فانی


In the wee hours of the morning
this Turkish dude
was inviting me for a drink
I told him:
What you up to?
What's up with this invitation?
He started laughing out loud
and responded:
Come on join us for a drink
let's turn this tavern upside down!
You're invited my friend
to the serious drinkers' cocktail party!
As I went in, man,
all I saw was this huge wine house

and tons of free wines!
I said to myself:
So much for you being a Muslim, enjoy it!
I saw this Turkish dude
With a bottle of wine on his lap,
already intoxicated and on his knees,
and the non-stop talking
I asked him:
What are you drinking?
He said: Divine Wine!
I started having second thoughts
at this strange place
I was debating with myself:
Should I drink or no?
A voice came to me:
It's up to you, you'd know!
To make the long story short
I started drinking
and had like two or three bottles of that "Wine".
That "Divine Wine"
had some really strange effects on me:
Anything that I had ever wished for all my life
suddenly appeared in front of me.
A hundred hidden truths
were all of sudden revealed to me on the spot.
I just simply gave up this world
and moved in with my soul
and all the known and unknowns
became clearly visible to me.
I was completely out of it,
I was feeling separated,
and truly out of myself.
As I saw my soul
uniting with the Eternal,
I just decided to let go
of my mortal self.
