26 April 2009

Sufi Jazz, Dhafer Youssef

Dhafer Youssef ظافر يوسف

"With his deeply affecting vocal style, a straight approach on the Oud (The Arabic lute), the Sufi-rooted compositions, spacey electric lounge vibes and a variety of fusion sounds, the Tunisian born composer, singer and Oud player, Dhafer Youssef is among today's shooting stars on the Jazz/world music scene.

Dhafer Youssef has become one of the most imaginative artists on the crossroads of electronic, acoustic Jazz and ambient musics. Rooted in Islamic traditions, Dhafer's singing is dignified with an aura of spirituality. Every time Youssef opens his mouth we are treated to a soaring sound that seems to echo back through the centuries, evoking images of dark and ancient temples..When his dark, haunting baritone voice leaps into a hair-raising falsetto, listeners feel "the earth move" below their feet.."


27th Century Ethos

Odd Poetry
Live @ Sarajevo Jazz Festival